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how to avoid systemic discrimination claims?


how to avoid systemic discrimination claims?

Systemic discrimination is defined as a method of discrimination that occurs regularly and creates a disadvantage for people with similarities such as race, gender, etc. for a long period.

This type of discrimination is not initially visible but it is systemic. This type of discrimination has a great impact on various business elements, such as business, industry or profession.

This discrimination mainly generates a disadvantage for employees with common characteristics such as gender, race, etc. It is also known as institutionalized discrimination because it takes place in the workplace and can occur over a long period of time.

There are many forms of systemic discrimination, such as paying lower wages to women than to men, discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity, etc.

Today's workplaces have become multicultural since companies have become multinational. Working in work environments where there are people of different cultures can be overwhelming for some people and lead to negativity or animosity towards colleagues.

Although there may be multiple reasons that trigger systemic discrimination, it is by no means justified. Discrimination can also stem from stereotypical feelings or beliefs, such as racist or sexist beliefs.

These frame of mind are shared by most of the people in our society, which leads to discrimination. This discrimination is codified in the policies or laws of the institutions so that there is a SOP that can be followed at times.

Systemic discrimination can start from the hiring process. Giving low wages to a man of color over others is a form of discrimination. This discrimination should be avoided as it can cause undesirable properties.

Canada, for sample, has many laws against this type of discrimination. Many companies have workplace diversity policies and need a representative workforce, but they always end up employing white people.

We see that whites are more comfortable working and being with people who are like them.

As a result, institutions reproduce in a way that accentuates the status quo. This has led many companies to use the concept of "fit" when employing their hiring practices. A person's ability to integrate and contribute to existing work is analyzed.

Therefore, it is undesirable for white employers to hire white employees because they see themselves as the best fit.

Here the comparison is made between the employee who is deemed fit and a person of color who does not speak English.

How to avoid complaints of systemic discrimination

When you see systemic discrimination, the first thing to do is fix it in advance instead of leaving it hanging for a long time. Things have to be fixed before it's too late.

Typically, such discrimination arises when a practice or model does not obey the law and your organization's policies, for example, during a workplace audit, which covers the employee handbook, policies, and practical guidelines. You must ensure that these do not damage the protected classes.

The other thing, and more important, is that you need to train your managers to analyze and judge individual candidates on their merits and not on the basis of unfounded assumptions and stereotypes.

It is also recommended that you hire an attorney who specializes in employment law to ensure that corrective actions are implemented effectively at the first signs of discrimination.


Systemic discrimination is an unwanted phenomenon in the workplace, which both employees and employers must avoid. Any form of related discrimination could lead to demotivation of employees.

Such discernment is also not good for the cultural growth of the organization and can be detrimental in the long run.

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